

Battling Ant Infestations: Protecta Pest Control Experts to the Rescue

Are you struggling with ants in your home? Our Protecta Pest Control Experts are here to assist you. Read on for advice on how to handle the issue yourself or fill out our contact form or call us on 07398 674 924 for professional elimination.

Why Choose Protecta Pest Control for Your Ant Removal Needs?

For many years, we have been safeguarding homes in Chesterfield from ants and various pests.

Protecta Pest Control
takes pride in being a Trusted Trader, continuously striving to deliver exceptional service. We are delighted to be part of the Derbyshire Trusted Trader Scheme.

Ant Species: What You Need to Know

Over 12,000 ant species exist, but in the UK, we typically encounter Garden or Black Ants, Red Ants (also known as Fire Ants), and Carpenter Ants.
Red Ants and Fire Ants: A Threat to Be Wary Of

Red imported fire ants are more aggressive than other ant species and possess a sting that, while tolerable for adults, can be extremely painful for children. Avoid these ants and their mound nests. Before sitting on a mound during a walk, ensure it doesn't conceal an ant nest. Red imported fire ants construct their nests in soil mounds outdoors, in landscaped areas, or near a building's foundation. They may occasionally invade buildings through holes or cracks in walls and foundations.

Carpenter Ants: The Overlooked Pests

Carpenter ants are frequently overlooked pests, but an infestation can cause significant damage and should not be underestimated. As the weather warms up, carpenter ants become active. In Chesterfield, our ant control service is well-known for addressing this issue. It's crucial to deal with carpenter ants promptly as they chew small tunnels through wood to create their nests.

Carpenter ants are slightly larger and have heart-shaped heads, which can help you identify them. Signs of their presence include tiny sawdust piles, dead ants, and soft crunching sounds.

Any sign of a Carpenter ant infestation means you need to call us as soon as possible. Colonies can hold thousands and even millions of ants for some species so the quicker we can provide the solution, the better.

Carpenter ants can cause expensive damage so don’t delay treatment.

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Tackling Ant Infestations: How to Get Rid of Ants

While Garden or Black Ants are not believed to carry diseases, you certainly don't want them wandering through your food or crawling on children. There's something about ants that feels unclean. It's certainly unpleasant when you're sitting comfortably watching TV and you feel that telltale tickle as one crawls up your neck.

Ants: Persistent and Intelligent Seekers of Food

Ants are clever and will travel great distances in search of food. They establish trails and then follow the chemicals they've left behind to locate the food source. Other ants can also follow that trail, leading to a cluster. How many times have you come downstairs in the morning to find that someone has left a jammy knife by the sink ready to be cleaned, only to discover it's covered in ants?

Ants in the Home: Effective Prevention and Control

If you've discovered a few ants creeping into your home, there are steps you can take to help:

Ant Infestation Prevention: Keep Your Home Ant-Free

To eliminate ants, observe carefully to find the entry points to your house and seal them off. If you can see the ant trails, splash some white vinegar on them, but be cautious not to bleach any surfaces.

  • Tidy up any sticky residues on worktops and tables, as even small crumbs or sugar granules are enticing food sources for ants. Use white vinegar to wipe down surfaces, including floors. You can buy large containers inexpensively. This not only kills ants but also repels them, as they can't stand the smell.

  • Conceal, dispose of or securely store any foods that might attract ants. Keep food in airtight containers rather than bags with folded tops.

  • If you use a compost bin in the kitchen, choose one with a lid that closes firmly. Even a small opening can invite pests.

  • Dispose of rubbish promptly and clean up around the bin area. Open bin bags left on the floor are an invitation for ant problems.

  • Sweep and mop regularly. Food crumbs from under your kitchen appliances can attract ants. They are constantly searching for food sources, and it only takes a few crumbs for them to notify their friends to come and help.

  • Keep pet food out of reach of ants. Pet food is also a food source for ants, so it's essential to store it properly.

By following these steps, you can reduce the likelihood of an ant infestation in your home.

Are Ants Dangerous? Effective Ant Control and Removal

The most effective way to tackle ant infestations is to contact ant control experts like us. We'll ensure the infestation is eliminated properly with our ant removal treatment process.

DIY Ant Control: Tips and Advice

If you prefer to handle the pests yourself, follow our advice:

  • There are proprietary ant sprays and insecticide treatments available that will kill ants, but ensure they don't contain chemicals harmful to bees or the environment. Opt for natural remedies and treatments that are safe for your family, pets, and the environment.
  • Identify where the ants are entering your home and seal off any cracks in walls.
  • For minor ant infestations, soak a sponge in sugar water and leave it by the trail for a day. Shake off the dead ants, resoak the sponge, and repeat the process until no more dead ants appear.
  • To clean surfaces in the kitchen, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water, and wipe down regularly.

Professional Ant Removal: The Safe and Effective Solution

Our professionals are experienced in ant removal and can identify entry points and trails leading back to the colonies. All our treatments, including ant removal, are insecticide-free and safe for your family and pets.

For the best way to get rid of ant infestations, call Protecta Pest Control Chesterfield on 07398 674924 or contact us via our contact form.

We provide ant removal services in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and South Yorkshire.

Signs of Ants: Identifying and Addressing Ant Infestations

Ants often appear as the weather warms up. While some homeowners tackle the issue immediately, this only provides temporary relief. Ant trails leading from your home to their nest likely formed long before you spotted them.

If you've seen a few ants on the floor, they could be exploring or indicate a larger problem. Contact us for ant removal to address the issue right away.

Key Indicators of an Ant Infestation

Keep an eye out for these telltale signs of an ant problem:

Live Ants

Seeing live ants is often the first indication of an infestation. If you spot a few, there's likely a nearby colony.

Ant Pathways

Ant pathways inside or outside your home signal a colony and infestation. Some ants lay down pheromone paths to food sources, attracting other ants.


Ant nests may resemble small piles of dirt or dust. Some ant species prefer to nest in walls or other hidden, dark areas that are harder for you to locate.

Ant Facts: Understanding Ant Behaviour

  • Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, with over 12,000 species.
  • A colony can house up to half a million ants. If the nest is threatened, they all leave quickly.
  • There are three types of ants in a colony: queen ants, worker ants, and male ants.

Queen Ants

The queen ant is the leader and the only ant capable of laying eggs. Worker ants can live up to seven years, while a queen can live up to 15 years. Ant colonies may have one or multiple queens, depending on the species. When the queen dies, the colony dies out.

Worker Ants

Worker ants are female and responsible for laying trails from the nest to sweet food sources. They also care for the queen and young ants and handle conflicts within the colony.

Male Ants

Male ants exist to mate and die shortly after.

Flying Ants

Both male ants and the queen have wings. When it's time to breed, they fly off to establish a new colony. After creating the new colony, they shed their wings.

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Mobile number07398674924

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