

The Ultimate Guide to Banishing Flies Effectively: Tips, Tricks, and Expert Advice

Flies can be a persistent menace in your home and businesses, causing irritation and posing health risks due to their ability to spread disease.
In this guide, we'll delve into practical methods for eliminating flies, and We'll also discuss when it's time to enlist the help of a professional pest control service, such as Protecta Pest Control, to tackle severe fly problems.

Right, let's acquaint ourselves with the commonly encountered flies in the UK.
House flies (Musca domestica)
Bluebottle flies (Calliphora vomitoria)
Greenbottle flies (Lucilia sericata)
Fruit flies (Drosophila spp.)
Drain flies (Psychoda spp.)
Cluster flies (Pollenia spp.)
Each fly species has unique habits and preferences, which will inform the most effective control methods.

Why Flies Are a Problem

Flies are more than just an irritating presence. They pose considerable health risks by:

Spreading diseases such as salmonella, E. coli, and dysentery
Contaminating food sources and surfaces with bacteria
Breeding in decaying organic matter, contributing to unsanitary conditions
Grasping the risks associated with flies will emphasise the significance of implementing effective control measures.

Top Methods for Banishing Flies

DIY Fly Traps
Vinegar and washing up liquid Trap
A simple yet effective fly trap is to Fill a container with apple cider vinegar, leaving a small gap at the top.
Add a drop of washing-up liquid to break the surface tension.
Cover the container with cling film and secure it so it stays tight.
Poke small holes in the cling film to allow flies to enter.
Place the trap near the area with the highest fly activity.
Flies will be drawn to the vinegar scent and become trapped inside the container.

Commercial Fly Traps

Sticky Fly Traps

Sticky fly traps consist of adhesive strips or sheets coated with an enticing substance that lures flies. Once the flies land on the sticky surface, they become trapped and eventually perish.

UV Light Fly Traps

UV light fly traps utilise ultraviolet light to draw flies towards an electrified grid. Upon contact with the grid, the flies are instantly killed. These traps are particularly effective in commercial environments.

Chemical Control

Fly Sprays

Aerosol fly sprays containing pyrethroids or other insecticides offer immediate relief from a fly infestation. These sprays work by swiftly killing flies upon contact. Please take care when using, as they can harm you and your pets if inhaled. Wear a mask and take pets away from the spraying area.

Residual Insecticides

Residual insecticides are long-lasting chemicals that can be applied to surfaces where frequently flies land or rest. These insecticides are designed to kill flies over an extended period, providing ongoing control. Always read the manufacturer's instructions and adhere to safety guidelines when using these products always wear a mask as it is an insecticide.

Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators, such as ladybirds and lacewings, can help control fly populations in your garden. These beneficial insects feed on the larvae and pupae of various fly species, helping to reduce their numbers.

Cluster Fly Management


Preventing cluster flies from entering your home is the most effective way to control their presence. Seal any cracks or gaps in your home's exterior, particularly around windows, doors, and eaves, to block potential entry points. Installing fly screens on Windows can also help keep cluster flies at bay.


If you discover a cluster of flies in your home, using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment can quickly and effectively remove them. Ensure you promptly empty the vacuum bag and dispose of the contents outside to prevent the flies from re-infesting your home.


If you have a fly problem, you can try to use an insecticide. Apply a residual insecticide to the exterior surfaces of your home where cluster flies are known to enter. This will help to kill the flies as they attempt to enter. Aerosol insecticides can also be used indoors to target existing clusters of flies, but be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines.

Preventing Flies from Invading Your Space

While it's virtually impossible to stop flies from entering your home, there are some steps you can take to try and  significantly decrease fly infestations in your domestic or commercial space:

Maintain cleanliness: Regularly clean surfaces, floors, and food preparation areas to remove potential food sources for flies.
Dispose of waste properly: Ensure all waste is placed in sealed bags and dispose of rubbish in tightly covered bins.
Eliminate standing water: Flies breed in moist environments, so address any plumbing issues and avoid overwatering plants.
Seal entry points: Install fly screens on windows and doors, and seal any gaps around pipes or vents that could provide entry points for flies.
Store food correctly: Keep food in sealed containers and promptly refrigerate leftovers to avoid attracting flies.
When to Call a Professional Pest Control Service

If you've tried multiple methods of fly control without success or are experiencing a severe infestation, it's time to consult a professional pest control service, such as Protecta Pest Control. They will assess the situation, identify the specific fly species causing the problem, and implement a tailored treatment plan to eliminate the infestation effectively.

Additional Tips for Managing Fly Infestations

Beyond the methods and prevention techniques we've already discussed, there are a few additional tips to help you manage fly infestations effectively:

Use plants as natural repellents: Certain plants have fly-repellent properties, and incorporating them into your home or garden can help deter flies. Some popular fly-repellent plants include:
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Lavender (Lavandula spp.)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Mint (Mentha spp.)
Marigolds (Tagetes spp.)

In conclusion, getting rid of flies requires a combination of effective control methods and preventative measures. By understanding the different types of flies, using appropriate DIY and commercial fly traps, implementing proper prevention techniques, and managing cluster fly infestations, you can create a fly-free environment in your home or business. If you're struggling to manage a fly infestation or need professional assistance, don't hesitate to contact Protecta Pest Control for a tailored solution to your fly problem.